Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas Seymour!

Hi. I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile. I have been so busy. I have been going Christmas shopping and having so much fun with my friend Karen. Karen is a great theater friend. Today we went to the mall with our moms and my awesome sister Amanda. Last month I was in two musicals; White Christmas and Annie. It was so fun.

Last week was a really terrible week for my blood sugar. All of a sudden my blood sugar was high high high!!! My mom had to slap my CGM on. A CGM is a Continuous Glucose Monitor. I don't really like to wear it because it itches and leaves an ugly rash. But it does a good job of helping my mom figure out how to make adjustments to my insulin pump. Now I am taking a lot more insulin, but my blood sugar is back in range. Whew! My mom says she thinks my honeymoon period is finally over.

Now I'm doing much better, and today (FINALLY!) the CGM is off. I hope my numbers stay good because I'd like to keep it off for awhile.

I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas!

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