Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yes, I can have cupcakes...Really!

You know what I LOVE? Cupcakes. You know what makes me so mad? When people say I can't have cupcakes or sweets. Well, the truth is - I can! It's just really annoying to hear people say or ask "can you have sweets?". It drives me UP THE WALL!

During one school day, someone brought cupcakes for my class. And guess what? There was one cupcake missing. Yep, that was the one that would have been for me. The parent knew I had type 1 diabetes, and just assumed I wouldn't be able to eat the cupcake. So she brought enough for everyone...except me! I was really upset watching my whole class eat cupcakes while I was doing homework. So unfair!

This is why me and my mom are going to educate my school about type 1 diabetes. So this doesn't happen to any other kids. I want the teachers and staff to understand that people with type 1 diabetes CAN have sweets, we just have to test our blood sugar and take insulin for the treat. I might have to call my mom to help me estimate the carbs - but that's okay, she doesn't mind.

Even when they do give me a cupcake (now that my teacher knows I can have one), it's still pretty annoying that they don't let me know enough in advance so I can test my blood sugar and take my insulin. By the time I am ready to eat my cupcake - everyone else is finished eating theirs! Gee whiz! I feel so left out!

But luckily I have my best friend to wait for me. Kelsey is so awesome because she will hold on to her cupcake until I am done testing and taking insulin, so we can eat our cupcakes together.

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